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Flashing Generic Firmware on a Technicolor TG582N

This post will probably be the most niche thing I’ve ever written. Perhaps I should explain the background first. I now work for an ISP, and during my training I’d become more interested in ADSL technologies. I have Virgin Media cable at home and therefore did not own an ADSL router. I decided to purchase one from eBay with the view to use it for experimenting and diagnosing connection issues elsewhere.

I managed to grab a cheap Technicolor TG582N, believing it to be a generic model, not branded to any particular ISP and therefore believed the firmware would not be locked down. However when it arrived I found it was actually branded to BE Broadband. This was locked down to the extent that even the PPP login settings were omitted from the web interface (although they were available, buried via the clunky Telnet interface). On some ISP routers it is possible to remove some restrictions by deleting the isp.def or other files via FTP, but the BE device was locked down further than this.

Some quick searches on the net and consultation with colleagues convinced me I’d probably purchased an expensive paperweight, good for little more than checking that a line syncs ok with the telephone exchange. However I still wondered if there might be a way to unlock this, and install some generic Thompson firmware.

The first thing I found was that ‘generic’ firmware didn’t seem to exist, that Thompson dealt only with ISPs and did not provide support to members of the public. Some searching turned up a few firmware images here and there, but nothing which seemed compatible. This matter was complicated because most TG582N devices run with a DANT-T circuit board, but the one from BE (along with a few other ISPs) runs with the much rarer DANT-1 board.

I did stumble across some basic Windows software for flashing the device, but this failed to recognise any of the firmware I found, apart from an O2 Broadband file. This failed to apply successfully, but thankfully didn’t brick the device. However, during my search I did manage to find what I believed to be some ‘generic’ firmware. I attempted to apply this using the Thompson update software, but again it wasn’t even recognised as appropriate for the device.

If the Windows software wouldn’t let me flash the device, I wondered if there might be another way. The A&A wiki advised there was a second method to update, using TFTP (a very simple FTP server), to capture the device during the BOOTP session following a factory reset and use this to copy firmware to it.

Flashing via TFTP…

Firstly, you need to connect the router directly to your Windows machine via ethernet, and give your machine a static IP address on the Technicolor router in your Windows networking settings. Now you’ll need to install TFTPD32, which seems the most popular TFTP server for this purpose.

Install this into the root of your ‘C’ drive. Drop the .bin file for the firmware you’ve found, in my case this one (mirror), into the TFTPD folder. Launch the application and open the settings screen, then select the TFTP tab. Tick ‘Bind TFTP to this address’ and select your internal static IP (in my case Then on the DHCP tab, set the pool address to ‘’, the size of pool to ‘1’ and enter the name of the firmware – which should be in the same folder as TFTPD – into the ‘Boot file’ field. Now set the ‘Def. router’ to your machine’s manual IP and set the mask to ‘’. Select OK and restart the TFTPD application.


At this point, you should now perform a factory reset on the TG582N by pushing a paperclip into the small reset hole on the back of the device (whilst it remains powered-on). The lights should all go out briefly and the power light should turn red, then orange, to indicate that the update is taking place. Whilst this is taking place, you should also see the ‘log viewer’ in the TFTPD demon begin to fill up, and a small file transfer box will appear on screen as the binary firmware is copied across to the device. Once the copy is complete, you should then see the power light flash green for a few minutes during the upgrade.

Or at least, that’s what should happen. For some reason my router wouldn’t perform a factory reset properly and refused to enter into BOOTP mode. However, I found a workaround for this in another Thompson manual. If you Telnet into the router (on the BE box the username is ‘Administrator’ and the password is the serial number printed on the bottom) you can run the manual command ‘software upgrade’ to force the device into BOOTP mode.


Following this, the power light on my TG582N turned red and the upgrade proceeded. Here’s the log:


Following this, the power flashed on and off for two or three minutes, during which I decided that applying unofficial firmware I’d grabbed from a random website probably wasn’t the best idea I’d ever had. Thankfully the device eventually came back up again and I could login to the interface. I was relieved to see the web interface at first, but even more pleased when it became clear I was now running with ‘generic’ Thompson firmware.


As you can see, the PPP settings are now available:


…and the set-up wizard includes the options for both ADSL and WAN connectivity (for use with FTTC).


All in all, I am very pleased to have a router which can be used on any ADSL connection, and am glad to be rid of the awful BE Broadband firmware and it’s nonsensical restrictions on usage. Hopefully this guide may one day prove to be useful to someone in the same strange scenario, though somehow I doubt it.

Note: I take no responsibility should carrying out any step in this guide cause you to brick your router!


  1. James James

    Came upon this through some googling… Glad I found it or I wouldn’t have been able to get the DSL firmware for my Technicolor router. Many thanks!

  2. Growls Growls

    I have tried all three methods mention and had no success it is a v7 model by plusnet . The windows method just refused to see the generic bin file.

    Both the paper clip reset and telnet method start and upload but it just goes into a constant upload cycle – It shouldn’t try uploading the bin file 20 times?

    Any help would be appreciated.

  3. Desperate Desperate

    Anyone have a copy of the firmware for Dant-1?

    The modem-help site is down.

  4. can you help me? i need TG587N V3 firmware。

  5. Animesh Animesh

    Hi I have tried all method. Doesn’t work at all. Whenever I put my router into boot mod it just shows red light on router and then turn green after few mins. Nothing showed into TFTPD32 (as your shown image)
    I have double checked I did all things as you suggested. Can you please help me to flash my router


  6. Vince Vince

    Thanks for your help in this page.
    I need one last step.
    I can reboot the tg582n through telnet, if I don’t set a static IP.
    However, I undertsand that I need a static IP to upload the firmware through tftpd.
    How can I manage to have both?

  7. matt matt

    any ideas how to get root on this? I’d like to copy some files to the router.

  8. Rabid Rabid

    Nice guide, I could really use some help finding generic firmware for a TG797n v3. Same issue it’s locked by an ISP’s firmware which cripples basic and essential features like QoS.

    Most links that even lead to just manuals have been neutered by Technicolor it seems. Guess they don’t want anyone but the ISP’s tinkering inside. Would very much appreciate if anyone help locating this firmware as I see mention around the net of newer versions but no links anywhere.

  9. Andrew Andrew

    Can someone find me the firmware for the BH Variant of the TG582n DANT-1? I can’t find it anywhere and the site has been offline for ages 🙁

  10. Nickleby Nickleby

    @Growls – when I first tried I had the same problem as you – there would be multiple attempts to transfer the .bin file which would timeout after 15% or so

    This is easy to fix – I noticed I had different boxes ticked in the two TFTPD32 settings screens. Setting the ticks to be the same as the screenshots in Jonathan’s guide resolved the problem, and the BIN file transferred first time

    Thanks Jonathan

  11. Terry Terry

    hi, i flashed the firemware as per Johnathans instructions as i ahve the same model. The firmware flash was successful and i was able to access the page. after 5 minutes the router will turn off and all lights will be off. To start it again i will need to unplug and plug the router power back. Do anyone know why this happens?

    Thank you Terry

  12. Shandy Shandy


    I found your article by accident after trying for a couple of days to flash open_wrt onto an openreach eci modem. Solved my problems with tftp32 and I’m up and running now!

    Great work.


  13. antua antua

    Shandy did you put directly openwrt firmware? Or first you did a generic Technicolor firmware upgrade first then openwrt? I asked because I want to upgrade to openwrt too. Thanks in advance

  14. JT JT

    Alas, none of this works for me after downloading everything and following instructions – I am IT illiterate.

  15. Professor Plum Professor Plum

    I tried the TFTPD settings as Jonathan did but no joy. I couldn’t get in via Telnet as I had lost the password.
    For some reason the IP offered was not in the same network as the PC or according to the DHCP settings – it was So I changed the mask on my adapter and in the settings to – a class B network. Then switching on the router with the reset button depressed the power light changed to orange after a few seconds and the bin file transferred. Voila!

  16. Tony Tony

    Do you know any way to do this in Technicolor TD5136v2. I’ve looked in all the pages of Google and I can’t find the Generic firmware compatible with it.

  17. Marco Marroquin Marco Marroquin

    Thanks I used /firmware/tg582n-PS/ USB%20BV.bin on my Telmex ISP 582 used upgrade tool with Win 10

  18. KV KV

    Hey Jonathan,
    thanks for this info and time spent around it.
    I was hopping to come here just to say thanks, but I have found an issue… My upload quits (connection close/exit) at 33% all the time… Does you/anyone found a similar problem?

  19. syed syed

    I am really confused and no help from other sources and I am looking to setup a GRE tunnel between 2 sites.

    I an getting two issues.
    1, its booting up with ISP dhcp ip address I am looking to assign the Private Public IP.
    2, Need help in GRE tunnel commands its totally different from Cisco commands.

  20. Nelson Rodriguez Nelson Rodriguez

    where is the pass for User Name and Password the Plusnet

  21. Neal Neal


    I’ve read this page many times – what a brilliant help – many thanks.

    I was given a TG582n PRO which had been customerised by the ISP, where I couldn’t gain access with any username and password combination I could try.

    It may have been a fluke, but I found I had more luck holding down the reset button on power-up. Then I saw the file transfer. This could have been a coincidence as I change the file back to the default folder. However this has got me operational, and I’m very appreciative of this page, and it’s information. Thanks again.

  22. rumj rumj

    Hi, Nice write up. Thanks.
    Will this work on a TG799vac or can you point us in the right direction?

  23. Excellent article thanks, really appreciate the level of detail.

    Just reflashed a spare Plusnet TG582n FTTC (DANT-T) back to ADSL. Used the 8.4.4.J with USB firmware from

    The firmware tool failed as you described, but the TFTP method using telnet to issue a ‘software upgrade’ command worked on the second attempt.

    Spot on, thank you.

  24. Richard Richard

    I had a Technicolor Router provided by TalkTalk. When I moved provider to Plusnet, their router was shockingly poor. It would not even let you have any static IP addresses.

    This page was invaluable!

    I downloaded the firmware from here, but used the flashing software from here…

    Oddly enough, the same page has specific Plusnet firmware but the software would not flash it onto my router. Probably something to do with the DANT-T thing.

    Thanks! Very useful.

  25. Brilliant guide.

    Although I did everything you described, I noticed from the pictures you had ticked a few more boxes and unticked others. Once I had all my ticks in same places as your pictures it worked 2nd time round. Took about 3 minutes then.

    Cheers for writing this guide. Saved me a job of buying another router.

  26. Andrea Andrea


    I have a TG582 v2 hardware version DANT-8. On my router even the telnet is locked down. Is there any way to update this router to a generic firmware?

  27. TCB13 TCB13


    I can’t upload the new firmware, TFTPd is stuck on a loop like:

    Rcvd BootP Msg for IP, Mac 9C:97:26:8E:62:64 [27/06 16:08:05.832]
    DHCP: proposed address [27/06 16:08:05.832]
    Rcvd BootP Msg for IP, Mac 9C:97:26:8E:62:64 [27/06 16:08:06.830]
    DHCP: proposed address [27/06 16:08:06.830]
    Rcvd BootP Msg for IP, Mac 9C:97:26:8E:62:64 [27/06 16:08:07.830]

    Looks like it’s trying to assign the IP to the router for ever and nothing else happens…
    Any ideia why? This happens after the router LED is orange. Thank you.

  28. turnstyler turnstyler

    Can someone with the generic firmware running do a list of supported services?

    Currently with my current Plusnet TG582n on release (FTTC) I have this list, I’m interested if there is any SNMP capability hidden?

    {turnstyler}[service system]=>:service system list
    Idx Name Protocol SrcPort DstPort Group State
    1 CWMP-C tcp over ipv4 enabled
    2 CWMP-S tcp over ipv4 51005 enabled
    3 DHCP-S udp over ipv4 676 enabled
    4 DHCPv6-C udp over ipv6 547 546 disabled
    5 DHCPv6-R udp over ipv6 547 disabled
    6 DHCPv6-S udp over ipv6 547 disabled
    7 DNS-C udp over ipv4 53 enabled
    8 DNS-S ip 53 enabled
    9 DYNAMIC_DNS enabled
    10 FTP tcp 21 enabled
    11 GRE gre over ipv4 disabled
    12 HTTP tcp over ipv4 80 enabled
    13 HTTPI tcp over ipv4 8080 disabled
    14 HTTPs tcp over ipv4 443 enabled
    15 IGMP-Proxy igmp enabled
    16 IP6TO4 ipv6 over ipv4 disabled
    17 IP_COMMANDS enabled
    18 IP_REDIR icmp 5 disabled
    19 IPIP ipencap disabled
    20 IPv6_MANAGEMENT ipv6-icmp enabled
    21 MDAP udp over ipv4 3235 enabled
    22 PING_RESPONDER icmp 8 enabled
    23 PINGv6_RESP ipv6-icmp 128 enabled
    24 PPTP enabled
    25 Remote-MBus tcp over ipv4 2006 disabled
    26 RIP udp over ipv4 520 520 disabled
    27 SLA_ICMP_PING icmp 8 enabled
    28 SLA_UDP_PING udp over ipv4 7 disabled
    29 SNTP udp over ipv4 123 123 enabled
    30 SNTP-S udp over ipv4 123 disabled
    31 SSDP udp over ipv4 1900 enabled
    32 SYSLOG udp over ipv4 514 disabled
    33 TELNET tcp 23 enabled
    34 TFTP-C udp over ipv4 69 disabled
    35 WEBF tcp over ipv4 80 disabled
    36 webservice tcp over ipv4 9000 disabled


  29. turnstyler turnstyler

    Found the answer. No SNMP.

    I flashed mst_tg582ndb_r10.2.5.2_bm.bin on to an ex-Tesco Broadband t582n DANT-1

    Username : Administrator
    Password :

    | | o |
    |— ,—. ,—. |—. ,—. . ,—. ,—. | ,—. ,—.
    | |—‘ | | | | | | | | | | | | |
    `—‘ `—‘ `—‘ ` ‘ ` ‘ ` `—‘ `—‘ `—‘ `—‘ `

    Technicolor TG582n

    Copyright (c) 1999-2012, Technicolor


    :service system list
    Idx Name Protocol SrcPort DstPort Group State
    1 CWMP-C tcp over ipv4 enabled
    2 CWMP-S tcp over ipv4 51005 enabled
    3 DHCP-S udp over ipv4 676 enabled
    4 DHCPv6-C udp over ipv6 547 546 disabled
    5 DHCPv6-R udp over ipv6 547 enabled
    6 DHCPv6-S udp over ipv6 547 enabled
    7 DNS-C udp over ipv4 53 enabled
    8 DNS-S ip 53 enabled
    9 DYNAMIC_DNS enabled
    10 FTP tcp 21 enabled
    11 GRE gre over ipv4 disabled
    12 HTTP tcp over ipv4 80 enabled
    13 HTTPI tcp over ipv4 8080 enabled
    14 HTTPs tcp over ipv4 443 enabled
    15 IGMP-Proxy igmp enabled
    16 IP6TO4 ipv6 over ipv4 disabled
    17 IP_COMMANDS enabled
    18 IP_REDIR icmp 5 disabled
    19 IPIP ipencap disabled
    20 IPv6_MANAGEMENT ipv6-icmp enabled
    21 MDAP udp over ipv4 3235 enabled
    22 PING_RESPONDER icmp 8 enabled
    23 PINGv6_RESP ipv6-icmp 128 enabled
    24 PPTP enabled
    25 Remote-MBus tcp over ipv4 2006 disabled
    26 RIP udp over ipv4 520 520 disabled
    27 SLA_ICMP_PING icmp 8 enabled
    28 SLA_UDP_PING udp over ipv4 7 disabled
    29 SNTP udp over ipv4 123 123 disabled
    30 SNTP-S udp over ipv4 123 disabled
    31 SSDP udp over ipv4 1900 enabled
    32 SYSLOG udp over ipv4 514 disabled
    33 TELNET tcp 23 enabled
    34 TFTP-C udp over ipv4 69 disabled
    35 UPGD-C ip over ipv4 enabled
    36 WEBF tcp over ipv4 80 disabled
    37 webservice tcp over ipv4 9000 disabled

    Just to be complete, this was the Tesco service list.

    Username : Administrator
    Password : ********** (wireless passkey)

    # ###### #### #### #### Technicolor TG582n
    # # # # # # #
    # ##### #### # # #
    # # # # # #
    # # # # # # # #
    # ###### #### #### ####

    Copyright (c) 1999-2013, Technicolor

    :service system list
    Idx Name Protocol SrcPort DstPort Group State
    1 CWMP-C tcp over ipv4 disabled
    2 CWMP-S tcp over ipv4 51005 disabled
    3 DHCP-S udp over ipv4 676 enabled
    4 DHCPv6-C udp over ipv6 547 546 disabled
    5 DHCPv6-R udp over ipv6 547 enabled
    6 DHCPv6-S udp over ipv6 547 disabled
    7 DNS-C udp over ipv4 53 enabled
    8 DNS-S ip 53 enabled
    9 DYNAMIC_DNS enabled
    10 FTP tcp 21 enabled
    11 GRE gre over ipv4 disabled
    12 HTTP tcp over ipv4 80 enabled
    13 HTTPI tcp over ipv4 8080 enabled
    14 HTTPs tcp over ipv4 443 enabled
    15 IGMP-Proxy igmp enabled
    16 IP6TO4 ipv6 over ipv4 disabled
    17 IP_COMMANDS enabled
    18 IP_REDIR icmp 5 disabled
    19 IPIP ipencap disabled
    20 IPv6_MANAGEMENT ipv6-icmp enabled
    21 MDAP udp over ipv4 3235 enabled
    22 PING_RESPONDER icmp 8 enabled
    23 PINGv6_RESP ipv6-icmp 128 disabled
    24 PPTP enabled
    25 Remote-MBus tcp over ipv4 2006 disabled
    26 RIP udp over ipv4 520 520 disabled
    27 SLA_ICMP_PING icmp 8 enabled
    28 SLA_UDP_PING udp over ipv4 7 disabled
    29 SNTP udp over ipv4 123 123 enabled
    30 SNTP-S udp over ipv4 123 disabled
    31 SSDP udp over ipv4 1900 enabled
    32 SYSLOG udp over ipv4 514 disabled
    33 TELNET tcp 23 enabled
    34 TFTP-C udp over ipv4 69 disabled
    35 UPGD-C ip over ipv4 enabled
    36 WEBF tcp over ipv4 80 disabled
    37 webservice tcp over ipv4 9000 disabled

    And this is an O2 service list (another DANT-1 tg582n modem, but won’t accept your BM image – “incompatible”).

    Username : SuperUser
    Password : *********** (serial number)

    ______ Technicolor TG582n
    / /\\ O2 8.4.4.J.AE
    _____/__ / \\
    _/ /\_____/___ \ Copyright (c) 1999-2011, Technicolor
    // / \ /\ \
    _______//_______/ \ / _\/______
    / / \ \ / / / /\
    __/ / \ \ / / / / _\__
    / / / \_______\/ / / / / /\
    /_/______/___________________/ /________/ /___/ \
    \ \ \ ___________ \ \ \ \ \ /
    \_\ \ / /\ \ \ \ \___\/
    \ \/ / \ \ \ \ /
    \_____/ / \ \ \________\/
    /__________/ \ \ /
    \ _____ \ /_____\/
    \ / /\ \ /___\/
    /____/ \ \ /
    \ \ /___\/


    {SuperUser}[service system]=>:service system list
    Idx Name Protocol SrcPort DstPort Group State
    1 CWMP-C tcp disabled
    2 CWMP-S tcp 7547 enabled
    3 DHCP-S udp 676 enabled
    4 DNS-C udp 53 enabled
    5 DNS-S udp 53 enabled
    6 DYNAMIC_DNS enabled
    7 FTP tcp 21 enabled
    8 HTTP tcp 80 enabled
    9 HTTPI tcp 8080 disabled
    10 HTTPs tcp 443 disabled
    11 IGMP-Proxy igmp enabled
    12 IP_COMMANDS enabled
    13 MDAP udp 3235 enabled
    14 PING_RESPONDER icmp 8 enabled
    15 PPTP enabled
    16 Remote-MBus tcp 2006 disabled
    17 RIP udp 520 520 disabled
    18 SLA_ICMP_PING icmp 8 enabled
    19 SLA_UDP_PING udp 7 disabled
    20 SNTP udp 123 123 enabled
    21 SSDP udp 1900 enabled
    22 SYSLOG udp 514 disabled
    23 TELNET tcp 23 enabled
    24 UPGD-C 0 enabled
    25 WEBF tcp 80 disabled
    26 webservice tcp 9000 disabled
    {SuperUser}[service system]=>

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  38. Mark Mark

    If anyone else is experienceing the ‘loop’ problem, e.g.

    Rcvd BootP Msg for IP, Mac 9C:97:26:8E:62:64 [27/06 16:08:05.832]
    DHCP: proposed address [27/06 16:08:05.832]
    Rcvd BootP Msg for IP, Mac 9C:97:26:8E:62:64 [27/06 16:08:06.830]
    DHCP: proposed address [27/06 16:08:06.830]
    Rcvd BootP Msg for IP, Mac 9C:97:26:8E:62:64 [27/06 16:08:07.830]

    Set the Pool IP Address to and the number in the pool to 5. Worked for me.

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